
Hormone Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Hormone therapy, or HT, MHT or HRT for short, is a vital tool in managing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. WIth many years of experience in the field of hormonal therapy, we believe that all women should be informed of this important option. Traditionally, menopause hormone therapy is used to help with hot flashes and nightsweats, but it can also benefit sleep, mood, sexual function, and have long term benefits in the area of heart, bone, and metabolic health.  In our practice, we use a highly personalized approach to hormonal balancing, paying attention to your particular symptoms, goals, medical and family history, and preferences. We carefully select regimens, doses, and the particular hormones best suited for YOU and make a plan together to get you back to optimal hormonal health.

Hormone Therapy for Menopause

As a North American Menopause Society certified practitioner, Dr. Anna Barbieri uses a highly personalized and curated approach to hormone therapy.


Hormone therapy is an important and individual decision, and, although there are numerous benefits to its use, we always carefully consider its effects on - and risks for - the individual person. We use hormonal assessments when needed, including advanced hormonal testing through the Dutch or ZRT tests when indicated.


The hormonal regimen may include estrogen therapy, progesterone or progestin therapy, and testosterone therapy, and their combinations. As both a board certified gynecologist but also an integrative medicine physician with special expertise in this field, Dr. Barbieri uses both FDA approved and, when needed, compounded bioidentical hormone therapy to help you feel better.


Additionally, Dr. Barbieri's expertise in integrative medicine allows us to help patients for whom traditional hormone therapy may not be an option, such as for women with a history of breast cancer, or those who simply do not wish to use it. Whether it is lifestyle interventions, herbs and supplements, non-hormonal medications or related services such as acupuncture, we can offer you the full range of options to get you back to feeling balanced and healthy.